Saturday, June 21, 2014

Where in Malgrave is the ship to Thayd?

If you're in Malgrave and you're not having a good time, just head back to Thayd! The ship is just between Fort Dominus and Redsand Station!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Another Addon

Adding on to my last post, here is another useful addon:

TapThat will complete Client Side Interactions (CSIs) automatically when you start them. A CSI is a Rapid Tap, Press And Hold, Metronome, or Memory (Simon) event.

Also, TheZone no longer works. The rumor is a change was made to the API and so your client doesn't know about stuff you can't see.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Broken Resource Node of the Week

It looks like this Mining Node is just a bit out-of-reach!

Wildstar Patch

The word on the "street" is that Engineers got nerfed, hard.

Quote from Raijinn

  • Items in a guild bank will properly transfer when a new guild leader is promoted.
  • Added a way to filter guild invites.  This can be turned on from the Interface Options menu or the invites themselves.  The filter blocks invites from players who are not in your friends list or share a guild/circle/arena team/warparty with you.[/size]
  • A new report spam feature has been implemented for the Mail system.  This functions similar to the right click report feature in chat, and players will be able to smite those pesky gold spammers via this system. Buhbye spammers!
  • Clarified the realm transfer error messaging if a Player Character is the leader of a guild or a Warparty.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the shutdown of one instance of an instanced world.
  • Fixed a user server crash that sometime occur when a guild is disbanded.
  • Fixed a world crash related to realm transfers and character deletions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be charged multiple times when buying the Advanced or Expert Riding Skills.
  • Fixed certain issues pertaining to settlement reputations improperly reading parent faction ("The Exiles" or "The Dominion") reputation values.
  • Lower-case j spacing has been fixed. LOOK UPON MY LOWERCASE J AND DESPAIR!
  • Subtitles on cinematics will now use word wrap.
  • There is now a new marker for when an item is not multi-redeemable, which basically means you can only use it once.
  • We will no longer display your IP Address when you are disconnected for some reason. Sorry streamers! :(


  • Fixed a bug that where the "In Combat" state on the client differs from the server after a reconnect. This affected Espers innate ability, other similar combat-only abilities, and weapon animations.
  • Fixed a bug which enabled players to equip multiple unique bags.
  • Fixed a crash related to summoned pets.
  • Renown and guild influence now requires more than one party member to be involved in the kill.


  • Fixed an issue with daily quest turn-ins not functioning as intended.

World Story

  • Drusera Instances: Fixed issue where players who dropped a Drusera instance quest were not offered it again
  • Drusera 3 - The Hidden Dark: Players should no longer be prevented from changing their costume after being cloned.
  • Drusera 4 - Revelations of Power: Creatures can no longer get stuck on the Exanite pillar buildings, thus preventing players from completing the event.

User Interface

  • Added a background to the Loot Notification window so you'll know when your mouse is over it. Made the Loot Notification window ignore the mouse when it's not moveable.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Reset" button on the Costume/Dye vendor to cause the preview window to display the incorrect dyes.
  • Fixed a crash occurring on the Northern Wilds Adventure map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused various parts of the action bar to not behave correctly if the player reference wasn't loaded fully.
  • Fixed issue with telegraphs sometimes not showing up through portals.
  • Fixed some cases where activate icons and nameplates might not show up.
  • Mouse and Keyboard sliders have been added to Combat Options. You can now set some low speeds for epic video capture or some high speeds for epic dance parties!
  • The quest tracker will no longer steal mouse inputs when it's not marked as "Movable".
  • Changed friendship LUA event FriendshipRemoved to FriendshipPostRemove for clarity.
  • Fixed the sorting of quests by distance option so that it updates in quest tracker, zone map, and mini map.
  • Auction House: Tooltips for items in search results will no longer display incorrectly in certain circumstances.
  • Occluded hostile PvP units will now report the last known position to the UI.
  • The ‘Select Parent Décor’ popup now clears after linking décor, when using the housing interface.
  • Addons
  • Fixed issues with addons that were caused by recent changes to mouse input.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Where in Thayd is the ship back to Fool's Hope?

You can get to Olyssia, Wilderrun, and Fool's Hope from the console in Spaceport Horizon in the middle of Thayd:

And of course, the ship back is next to the Taxi south of Fool's Hope:

Go there at your own peril, as always.

Friday, June 6, 2014

IPA high in protein?

That's what the MyFitness app on my phone seems to think...

Interesting if true.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Booyea! I'm beta-fabulous!

Broken Quest of the Week

In Outbreak Fen, one of the later quests is to defend against zombies, in a short fun holdout scenario, using a flame-thrower provided. It's great. But the 3rd round is a bit glitchy...

If you run toward the zombies at all, or leave the circle, the holdout fails. I begin to wonder if that was intended for all holdouts - that you can't leave the circle?

My boom box is bugged

Boom boxes are neat prizes to reward beta players for the number of logins they had each day. I've received some neat gifts (including a pool lamp and an augmented rune fragment. Today, mine is bugged:

I right-clicked it, and it...stayed there. :o

Edit: This got fixed a few hours later. I got another Augmented Rune Fragment.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Where in Thayd can I buy a mount?

New to Wildstar? Just hit 15 and want to get a sweet ride? Shopkeeper Vic can sell you a mount! He's just south of the southern market, Fortune's Ground:

The rumor is that you get stuck with whatever mount you buy first, which is why I'm following the questionable path of waiting until 25 to buy my hoverboard.

Monday, June 2, 2014

WildStar Addons

Here is the set of addons I use to enhance my WildStar experience (with Curse link):

BetterQuestLog is a minimalist oriented quest log replacement that does away with the episode/category/quest tree-style of quest menu in favor of the more familiar flat menu. (It also hides out-of-area quests? And there's a tiny button to show what level is each quest)

BijiPlates is a nameplate replacement add-on that shows separated health and shield bars instead of the default in-line style. (This replaces the default health/shield meter with a stylized one, and has too many options for me to handle, so I leave it at default.)

GalaxyMeter aims to be a comprehensive meter that will track all sources of damage, healing, interrupts, dispels and player deaths. (And it really is. If nothing else, it's helped me maximize my warrior/soldier DPS)

GroupRadar helps "getting the band back together" by showing arrows pointing to your group members. (An arrow pointing to each party member, with distance underneath? Yes, please!)

IconLoot is an alternative to Carbine's LootNotificationWindow.  It provides a customizable notifications for loot that you receive.


JunkIt - The red  bag icon sells all items that are classified as junk.  Classification is set through the options. (One button to sell all the stuff you KNOW you don't need. Click it to sell junk then sort your inventory)

NavMate is a navigation helper for WildStar without the need to replace Carbine's MiniMap and ZoneMap addons. (This is a big multiporpoise tool for WildStar that you will regret not having. It does all kinds of things, from changing the minimap to square, to transparent map overlay - great for finding your way around  - and even mutes the taxi driver!)

TheZone shows information about players in your zone in real time and more. You can see all players in your range (270 m maximum) start at your location. (This is a MUST HAVE for PvP servers. Tells you all about who is in your Zone.)

ThreatMeter is a basic threat meter. (It gives you a window showing who has how much threat, and it pops up with "High Threat" in the middle of your screen when your threat gets high enough for you to take aggro.)

TrackMaster is a simple addon which will draw a line to a specific unit / position. (This thing is great - click on anything - mob or friendly player or enemy player or thing on map or quest, and it gives you a bunch of arrows pointing there, color-coded for distance. Warrior Leap attack range is where the arrows change from green to orange)

NyanCat - It actually processed after like 2 years... (It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!)

How to load addons with the game already running:

1. Open explorer
2. Paste %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar\Addons in the address bar and hit enter
3. Unzip these and stick 'em in there
4. Hit ESC, click Addons, then click Reload UI in the lower right. They should show right up.

More to come: Ed's section

(I'll sort these after I sleep. It's been a long, busy weekend.)

AbilityErrorControl - If you want to see the ability error messages but don't like the position, size or color of the message this add-on will allow you to change just that!

ActionSetProfiles - This is currently limited to your limited action sets - abilities and tiers.  Support for AMPs should be added in the next beta weekend. 

AMPFinder helps you find missing AMPs and not buy AMPs you've already unlocked through a combination of AMP menu, AMP vendor, and map overlay tweaks and additions.

AuraMastery is a Buff / Debuff / Cooldown / Resource / Health & General Proc tracker useful for tracking those important abilities!

Buffmaster is a simple buff, debuff & cooldown bar.

CustomFoV allows you to set your own FoV value. The game defaults to 50, and many people find it fatiguing. 60-75 is often better for many players, but I'd recommend you adjust to your own preferences. 

DetailedExperienceText - Provides additional information regarding experience gains.

Interruptor - shows everything related to interrupting in an intuitive and uncomplicated way.

PotatoUI is a UI addon that replaces a large portion of the default Carbine UI with simplified, yet highly customizable, UI elements. 

SCastbar - SCastBar replaces the default CastBar and makes some improvements.

Trackmaster: Subdue allows you to easily track your weapon when subdued, by integrating with TrackMaster.

ZenRadar - This application will show a pop-up with all the nearest unread journals and datacubes in your vicinity.

Wildstar time! WildStar Time

After more than 48 hoursof pre-release play, and only getting to Level 24, I'm a little embarrassed as I'm behind all my friends. But whatever. The game is well-told, and it shares the best gameplay element with every other game it can. There is occasional weird lag (where you can run around and attack mobs or other players, and they don't take damage until they suddenly die) and all PvP servers have been overloaded since day 1 -- I've got to applaud their OPS team for spinning up 3 new PvP servers in 2 days, taking the total to 6 PvP: Bloodsworn, Pago, Pergo, Rowsdower, Warbringer, and Widow where my first character exists.

(My first character is named after one of the errors that frustrated our launch party)

and the original 7 PvE: Avatus, Evindra, Mikros, Myrcalus, Orias, Stormtalon, Thunderfoot.

Plus the ominous Caretaker (Beta character storage?)

As you can see, players are favoring the PvP servers a little bit more than the PvE ones. A little trivia about the PvP server names - Pago and Pergo are both moons (of which planet, I forget).

The initial launch was painful, as we suffered through a DDOS which lasted a couple hours, leaving us staring at the chompacobras which turn the game's wheels:

Queue times pretty good. On the first day, some players had 8 hours of waiting in the virtual line to get into their servers, but queues haven't been longer than 30 or 45 minutes in the days since. The real question is how long they will be between 5 PM and 7 PM East Coast time, (between 2 PM and 4 PM Pacific time) which is also known as Rush Hours. To put this shortly - before you leave work, you might want to text your cohabitant and have them get you in line, so you can queue during your commute. (Or maybe remote into your home PC from your work PC and launch it that way, if RDP sessions can handle the graphics output.)

The 2% Authenticator bonus is nice on top of the 5% PVE bonus you can select at your house, giving you 7% bonus to your XP and gold, which will definitely speed up your leveling!

And I just want to say that Celestion is better than Algoroc. Or at least the quests feel less separated and faster to complete.

Some topics I hope to write about soon:

favorite addons
lore & datacube locations, maps of other collectables
setups -amps and abilities, orders of attacks, DPS of each attack, screenshots of DPS from galaxy,
Technical - hardware issues, ram and cpu use, weird lag. Users per server and other stats.